Saturday, February 25, 2012

First Sunday of Lent 2012

And at once the Spirit drove Jesus into the desert and remained there for 40 days, and was put to the test by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and the angels looked after him. After John had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee.

There He proclaimed the gospel from God saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the gospel."

-Mark 1: 12-15-

This season of Lent for me is a different experience as I am in another country. Dubai is an open city but is Muslin by culture. With the culture and practices that this beautiful city has, the Catholic Church is also practicing the same rituals and celebrations as with the other countries. Lent is celebrated and is being observed the same way that it was in my country.

During this first Sunday of Lent, I realized many things. God has given me everything that I need and yet I am not looking at them as I am blessed. He has provided me with the needs. He has given me my extra wants. I am blessed but I didn't notice it.

Living away from my mom is a hard adjustment for me. To be honest, I am still adjusting on not being able to see her as I wake up; hearing her laugh; hearing her nagging when I would come home drunk; and talking to her about my dreams and her dreams for us as well. She is my strength and inspiration. At this time with technology, I am very blessed to have internet and Skype with me. We are far from each other but I can still see her through these means. Facebook is there for us to update each other also. This is a blessing that God has given me. A blessing that I over-looked as sadness blankets me when I am alone. It makes me cry just thinking about how I miss her but I know that the Lord is with me. He is with me always and I am very blessed with that.

This week, I will do my best to share this feeling of being blessed. The feeling that is secure; a feeling that makes one safe and calm. The Lord is with us and He will always be with us. He has promised not to abandon us and He has been there.

This week, I will also do my best to call to Him when sadness creeps behind me. I will continue to pray and pray even more for all of us who are feeling low, lonely and sad. I will acknowledge that He is with us in whatever endeavor we take. I will always remind myself to be faithful to Him. Ever new day is a gift of life and this should remind us that our faith is all he asks from us. A simple act and value to bring with us all our lives.

My Prayer

"Oh Lord Jesus. You always have been there for us yet we forget to look at you when we are struggling. Remind us that You will always be with us in whatever we do and in whtever challenge we will face. Lord, give us the faith that would be so strong that it would radiate from within us. Let this faith inspire others so as they would know that You are always there. May we continue to be channels of peace, love, hope and faith. Guide us Lord as the Lenten season would continue. Amen."

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