Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Donitoh's Kitchen - Lent Recipe : Baked Fish with Garlic, Rosemary and Lemon

It is the season of LENT!

For us Christians, this is the season where we repent from sin and reflect on the lives we have lived. We also need to fast and abstain from any earthly joys and, if possible do charity work or pay it forward.

As a Filipino working abroad, it’s not easy because the culture is different as is the way of life. Food wise it is a bit lighter because we have access to almost anything specially pork, beef or poultry products (since we are asked to fast in a certain day of the week).

With this, I will be sharing with you my recipe for simple Lent dish.
It’s called Baked Fish with Garlic, Rosemary and Lemon.

This is how it looks like before popping then in the oven. 


Fish of choice (I prefer the ones that are cut into stakes because its easier to handle and cook)

Garlic – sliced into circles or strips


Rosemary (I used dried Rosemary but you can also use the fresh ones – I think its better)

Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper


Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius for about 5-10 minutes.

Fish dries up easily to make sure that the temperature is just right for fish to be cooked.

1.       After cleaning the fish, place them in a pan neatly. Season it with Salt and Pepper according to preference in flavor. Add a little amount of Olive Oil and grease each side.

2.       Dash in the dried Rosemary on both sides. Make sure that each side is fairly distributed with Rosemary.

3.       Squeeze in fresh Lemon juice and let is marinade for a 10-15 minutes.

4.       Place on top of each fish slice garlic pieces evenly.

5.       Pop the fish in the oven and bake them for 15-20 minutes.

6.       Serve with rice or Mashed Potatoes.

Make sure to check the baking process as fish may vary in cooking time and it would depend on the thickness of the slices.

You can also dip the fish with a choice of sauce. I prefer soy sauce, vinegar with onions and herbs.

Hope you find my recipe delicious and helpful. If you have suggestions and comment about this recipe, please don’t hesitate to comment below or send me a tweet.

Twitter: @akosidonitoh


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