Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Coming back - What is up?

My fingers were a bit itchy as i woke up today. then i decided to write after a long time. and when i said a long time, it was a good few months. 

Since the last time i wrote, a good number of things have happened. I met people, said goodbye to some and encountered a lot of challenges. Thank God i was able to get over them. I guess living this life is not yet the life i thought i will have. but still im looking forward to a better life. more over, i am the captain of this ship so i know how to steer the wheel. 

just a month back, i met a good cyber friend who happened to be Vice Ganda's hairstylist. They were on tour and they had a show here in Dubai. It was surreal meeting the gang. but meeting Vice Ganda in person was just numbing. I was so star strucked that I did not take a picture with him. I just said hi and smiled. He was warm and normal. No diva character at all. They asked me of how long i have been working in Dubai and of course i told them of my short stories about life here. Of course they have heard stories and still they wanted more. 

Work was still work. Challenges were coming in and out and each weekend for me was precious. Good thing our company gives us 2 days off from work. I guess that is the best consolation that we get from all the pressure and shit (pardon me for the word- but glitches would be an understatement) that happens in dealing with some of our clients. 

I got a very cool frame as glasses! When my colleagues were looking at the Porsche Design Eye wear catalogue, i was stricken by this cool frame: P8261. It is round with a very old school design. The black lacquer color and the titanium temples make it modern and very smart. For the record, these are prescription glasses with a touch of style. Even our boss thinks my frame is very cool and he is Italian. 

A good friend of mine just came from vacation and of course, catching up was made the day after. I couldn't write more about this since we are always together. All of these moments though are forever treasured. 

What else can i share about me?

well, i bought something from Gucci. its a scent called Gucci By Gucci. It has this very fresh scent- not that musky and not that fruity. its more of a fresh take on the manly musk that is not that strong. The plus part of that is I got a free Gucci jelly pouch and a giant Gucci shoe brush. 

Wait, i have to go. my laundry is about to be done. I guess ill see you next time!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Monthsary!

I have so much in my head but I don't know where to start. 

I guess this is the feeling when you really don't know what is happening with your life. When you feel suddenly disconnected to the world you were in for the past years. It goes to show that I was living in my comfort zone. Now that a month has passed where I was alone, I lost weight, my eating patterns have changed and I have become someone i was not comfortable with. I am not going insane or something but i guess this is how other people feel - living alone. 

Being alone was not something i am very good at. I honestly cannot live with myself. Well, I am not living alone in an apartment. I have room mates. But the sociable me went away. I don't know what happen. I have become isolated and quiet. My best friend was my laptop, cellphone and the internet. Yes i talk to my room mates and laugh with them but I was not feeling the same me. I am not sure if i have changed but it feels different. 

There are things that i think of that i don't ever think of before. Is this what growing up is? It sucks. Before I was so ready to be a grown up but then now, I wish I was a child again. No responsibilities, no work, no bills - no nothing. Just school, play and sleep.

Living alone for a month at 26 years old is an achievement for me. I am looking at a different thing right now. It is hard but it is something i am very proud of. That time when you see your family for dinner is just precious. It is special. Priceless.

Looking at the laundry, checking the cupboard if food is still there. trying to balance the budget for the bills, personal stuff and the other payments I have to make. All these are new to me. But I am getting the hang of it. There are hopeless moments but I just live with them. But alas, God is always there. I am a blessed kid. 

Now what am i trying to say?

I guess i just want to feel. 

I lost myself again. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Listen (A Gay Love Story)

i was just about to sleep when my phone rang. of course, i had the choice to answer it or not. but when i looked at it, it was henry, my best friend. i sit up on my bed and answered it. i said my hello and all i heard was sobbing. it got me worried and felt weird that this was the answer i got from saying my hello on the phone.

then he said hello and the sobbing cried. I waited for him to say the first words. he knew that i will always be listening.

"you were right. he was seeing someone else.", he said.

it was kind of late for us to talk on the phone but i felt alright that i was talking to him. he was someone i can talk to anytime of the day and i was the same for him. we were friends for 9 years. he has seen me fall and i have seen him got hurt. so the thing is, we have been there for each other.

the day that he told that he likes this guy was really weird. i prayed that i would breathe well so to give him a free hand. he was in love- but not with me. it hurts. (i think!) and i wasn't happy at all. yet he still makes me smile when i see him.

two or three years ago, i met an accident. my car crashed and i was driving from school. ending up in the hospital for 6 days. it was a rush of everything. the only thing i can't forget was him crying in front of me while nagging at me of how careless i was. "do you want to leave me alone?!" were the words that made me realize that i had to live for someone more than my family would know and more than my heart would feel.

I had to undergo surgery since i broke my leg. still he was there nagging beside me and helping me one step at a time in rehab. he was my half. nurses would ask of where he was if he wasn't assisting me. i would often see them smiling behind him as he nags about me being lazy and a slob for not exercising. he motivated me to stand up and do more rehab.

six months later, he found someone that made him feel special. someone who wasn't careless and lazy. i left my heart open to wait for him. and i knew he was happy with him. he pictures it as special and one of a kind. i see it the same way.

i came back to school and had some friends in college. i was the quiet one in the group who had the charm of making everyone smile. they said it was my gift. i didn't mind it. i wasn't handsome (i thought). i was just me. lazy, careless and waiting. i didn't realize that i was broken for a long time. i would still think of him. we are still friends. he still nags at me. 

a year later, he seemed to avoid me. i didn't know why. my friends heard something that his boyfriend was seeing someone else. i didn't believe them. still i was waiting.

i was hanging out in the mall when i saw his boyfriend with another guy. holding hands, sweet, smiling-like they were more than together forever. i was cold, stunned and speechless. then i decided to keep it to myself. it made me uneasy to think that i was keeping something in order for him not to get hurt. i knew i was still waiting but i had to be the quiet guy. i don't want him to get hurt again just because of me.

it was a tough day at school and i decided not to go online or play games. i was getting ready to go to bed after making my thesis draft and doing more research for school. i haven't heard from him in days and nagging was something i missed. it made me smile when i remembered the nagging.

i fixed my bed and prepared the alarm clock to ring at 4:00am even though its 1:43am.

i was just about to sleep when my phone rang. of course, i had the choice to answer it or not. but when i looked at it, it was henry, my best friend. i sit up on my bed and answered it. i said my hello and all i heard was sobbing. it got me worried and felt weird that this was the answer i got from saying my hello on the phone.

then he said hello and the sobbing cried. I waited for him to say the first words. he knew that i will always be listening.

"you were right. he was seeing someone.", he said.

then i said my words through a song i heard over the net. it was weird to be singing over the phone to someone who was hurt and sad. but i knew that it would make him feel better and at the same time would free me from what i really feel. the lines go:

"And I know I've always just been your friend, But if you look my way, I'll make sure you'll never hurt again.

Do you know I exist, just to promise you this, Endlessly to be true to you, And if you answer my prayer, I cross my heart and I'd swear Endlessly to be true to you,

And if you'd only see,How beautiful you and I would be, endlessly."


Thursday, July 31, 2014

FLYING SOLO - New Life for me.

“If it weren't for them, I would be as lost as a tumble weed.”

After almost 3 years of living with my awesome family here in Dubai, time has come that I make a decision in facing life as an adult. It may sound cliche’ but this is how it feels. It was not like choosing which shirt to buy or looking for a mobile phone. This was something different. I am now living away from them. It was not an easy decision but it has to be done. Besides, they have already done their part and I am but very thankful for their goodness and support for all those years. If it weren't for them, I would be as lost as a tumble weed. They have always been there to aid me financially, emotionally and physically. Living in a place where the culture is totally different is quite hard; let alone living without a family. And trust me when I say that anyone who is there for you in time of need is much considered as family.

I have acknowledged the fact that I am lucky to have them with me through my first few years here. I am blessed to have them as family and at the same time friends. Of course I have different sets of friends but these two were different. I respect them as much as they respect me and we have become close as the seasons passed. We may have differences but these have been our support for each other. Not a single milestone will be forgotten. And a number of hundred milestones will be an understatement for them.

I know that it will be different now but I trust that we all will have to say goodbye at some point. The distance is just a few kilometers away and it is not even a different city.

I am just grateful that they are always there for me. Emotional as this might sound but this is how it feels. 
I felt like I was on an expedition leaving my research team behind; hopefully bringing back stories to share.
I will be doing my best to make this happen and I am sure that they are still behind me even if we don’t live together anymore.

To my sister who has been supporting me all these time, UBER MEGA THANK YOU!
And to the coolest brother-in-law a guy could ever have, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I love and will miss you both!


Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Letter (a re-post from a Facebook Note back in college)

six years of happy marriage.
six years of immeasurable happiness and contentment.

everyday, i had to wake up beside the woman i love and get to be the first one to say "i love you" for the day. two thousand one hundred ninety days of constant kisses, hugs and never ending "i love yous". fifty two thousand five hundred sixty hours of wearing the golden ring and smiling as i remember my wedding day.

our wedding day.

we were envied by many because of what the two of us had. it was more than what i expected. more than what i prayed for. we completed each other. we made each other happy. we were husband and wife. six dinners by the sea and under the moonlight. six nights of special caresses and boundless love for each other.six special nights of smiles and laughter.

i could still remember the night i asked her hand in marriage. it was our third year anniversary as girlfriend and boyfriend. i knew that "that" night was the night to seal it. the night she wanted and waited for in her life: my proposal. her saying "yes!" to my question "will you marry me?".

she was working in a call center for five years as a supervisor. and i was a consultant on management and finance of a certain bank. we have nice jobs and bright tomorrows. but i had to ask her if she would be willing to share these tomorrows with me. and i had to get a lot of help from certain people we both know.

she was on duty that night. we had to celebrate our anniversary a week after the date. but that didn't stop me in sticking with my plan. i had to convince the site director, her team mates, the security and the rest of the "on-duty" team to connive with me. they were more than happy and excited to help me with the proposal. the company's site director even offered the employees' lounging room for my use. the security made a notice that the lounging room was off limits due to some electrical problems and floor tile renovations. the agents had to do anything to keep her busy and preoccupied.

then everything was ready.

her site director called her for a short meeting. she made fake issues that needed to be addressed. she then told her to check the lounging room for additional furniture and appliance. a good employee was she, directly to the room she went.

while waiting for her to open the door,i was pacing back and fourth behind a certain wall. i was cold. maybe i was excited or probably nervous. i was really nervous. then i heard a knock. i turned the lights off and went to my spot.

she knocked again and slowly opened the door. she saw nothing but darkness. so she had to go inside to turn the lights on.

she didn't move as the lights went on. her face was painted with surprise and amusement. there were no flowers nor romantic music.instead,i scattered pictures on the floor. our pictures. thousands of pictures and sweet notes she has given me for the past three years. then on one corner of the room was a mannequin wearing a Vera Wang gown. i placed a note on top saying "it would be perfect if you were wearing this on our wedding day." tears were slowly pooling in her eyes as she moved closer to the mannequin. i walked out from being hidden behind the wall with a bouquet of white and yellow lilies. she smiled, blushed and gave me a kiss as i handed her the flowers. she hugged me tightly and tears fell on my shoulders. she said that she couldn't be more happier that night.

i stepped back, knelt down and took a small box out of my pocket. her eyes were round with surprise and she was blushing even more. i opened the box and showed her a ring. before i could say anything, we could hear howling and cheering from the other side of the room. i forgot about the security camera inside the room. they were watching my proposal from a monitor in the next room.

the i started my lines,
"you reminded me of how wonderful life is. and it was more than a blessing to be alive for someone. you have saved me from turning into monster boss. you have inspired me to be a better brother and the best son. you have brought out the best in me and was still there at my worst times. you made me smile always with your youthful and sparky character. you have accepted me for being human. and loved me entirely as your boyfriend".

"i want to wake up in the morning with you beside me everyday. i want to have and grow my children with you as their mother. i want to grow old with you and would surely die without you...
Natesha, will you marry me?".

silence was what i felt for five seconds. it was the longest five seconds of my life.

she knelt down, hugged me, crying with joy as she said "yes! i will marry you!". her response was like music to my ears. it was euphoric, elating. i was floating. honestly, i was really floating.

the cheering and howling went louder and closer the the door opened. her team mates were in tears as they walked inside the room as well as her site director. i felt love and acceptance fro the group. it gave me more spirit to be the best husband for her.

remembering that night always puts a smile on my face. from that time on, it was a whirlwind. everything went through so fast. the wedding was perfect, we shared our vows and we were a happy couple. for the past six years, happiness embraced the both of us.most of the time, i always find myself smiling as i look back. i just couldn't believe the years of being together. the years of cheesy moments and life-changing encounters. the happy six years.

a cold drop of tear rolled from my cheek and woke myself sitting on a chair with a letter on my hand. it was already midnight and the television set was still on.

i crouched down and the letter dropped on the floor. i was consumed by sadness and questions. asking for someone to save me from such a miserable feeling. i wanted to shout but not a sound could go out of my mouth. i can hardly move and felt as if i was anesthetized to be still and numb.

the letter opened on the floor saying,

"dear Ryan,

i always dreamed to be a princess since i was a little. and you have fulfilled my wish for a prince to wed me and live happily ever after. you have carved me into a strong and happy woman. you have lived your life with me and i am but happy for being part of you. you have been a courageous prince who would rescue me from a dragon. you have given me real jewels and a castle where both of us can live happily. you have saved me from eternal sleep with a kiss. i love you.

but somehow, i woke up and realized that im not a child anymore. i am lost. and i need to find myself before i could kiss you again. im sorry if it will cause you pain.

i love you.

i am sorry.


i forgot that i wasn't a good drinker. and i found myself drenched with my own doing from being drunk in our living room.

i was numb.
i was cold.
i was alone.

the unexpected monster took my happy ending from my hand.

i cried.

i was alone.
keeping it inside.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

That fine line.

"What is the limit? when will it stop?"

Today I thought about a certain feeling. A feeling that no one is immune to: falling for someone. It sounds too cliche' as a topic but hear me out. 

How does it make you a person? Is it that of a need to feel such feeling to be able to say that you are human? What will be the limits? When  will it stop?

It's that minute that you realize that you can't stop thinking about that person: you fell. FACE FIRST! You try to shake it off but it clings like a stain on your crisp white shirt. Your heart starts to beat fast as you count the moments that when together, it feels perfect - wherever,whatever time and whatever you are doing. It makes you smile to the extent that you forget that there is a small space between feeling platonic and feeling the right feeling. That very fine line that defines everything from the other. You give it a rest but then the instant you wake up, you think about the other. Again, you smile. 

You arrange to meet up and it makes your heart race again. You are looking forward to another perfect moment. Another moment that you would treasure and love so much that you forget that the line has been crossed. The invisible line that you saw before is now under your feet. You would feel cold and stunned. But you have to stand by the concept of "FOLLOWING THE HEART!" drama. 

You are together. No words are spoken. Just being together is enough and it makes you happy. You ignore everything aside from that person; the moment and the feeling of being in a perfect situation. Everything is as you have imagined. PERFECT.

You then tell each other secrets. Things and stories that you have never told anyone before. You now trust each other in a level different from before. You keep on falling. You keep on knowing more about each other. It seems that the interest has raised to another level. 

And then, everything stops. 

Its just that fine line. When you cross it, everything changes. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Starting anew - My life's new chapter.

Almost every year I make a reflection of the life I have lived. I count the milestones, joys and sorrows. I also count the lessons and the difficulties I have encountered. So much for being a frustrated writer and journalist, I have come to make use of these frustrations in order for me to vent out my feelings and emotions in an acceptable way. More so with my choice not to drink anymore (although I still do), I make it a point that these emotions will produce me a good product at the end of its peak. 

2013 was a good year to me. Well I have survived it and is alive to write about it now. But nearing the end of that year, things got bitter sweet. I got to spend my vacation in Cebu and spent the Christmas with my family and friends: this was the sweet part.

The bitter part is that me and some of my friends have become strangers to each other. I guess its about time for us to move on and become who we choose to be and who we choose to be with. It was really painful to leave that part of my life as marked but life is always like this. You just have to make a choice and I choose to be happy. If there are things that bring me down or even make me think twice, I would rather have nothing at all and be happy with other things than have everything but really in doubt. 

Today, I decided to write about it just to let my soul breathe. 

People have called me names before thinking that I am pretending and not being the true person that I am. On the contrary, I am who they think they want me to be. I grew up to be a "people-pleaser" which makes me a person that changes depending on who I am with. Its not about being pretentious but being agreeable. But at some angles, there are things that I cannot agree with. This makes me the person that they don't understand. It doesn't mean that I am agreeable I am all for it. Not to the point that they would humiliate me.

With respect to what they prefer as a friend, secrecy for me is a big thing. Trust is so precious that I have been a victim of it being lost a lot of times. And there is a fine line between friends and family. I guess you would agree with me when I would say that there are things that your friends don't need to know and so goes with your family. We all have skeletons in our closets and I think that if people would invade them or even publish them, we will surely feel violated and personally offended. For sure, I would take offence (and I took offence-YES! It is for me unforgivable).

2014 was a great start for me. I found new friends. Well, technically I knew them already; I just didn't know that they were there for a good reason. They were the people who caught me when I fell. Good thing I wasn't closing my eyes this time. Most of the time that I fell, I would close my eyes and not bother seeing who pushed me. I guess the acrophobiac in me was kicking in. 

To those few who caught me, words are never enough to express how thankful I am. The "Give them the benefit of the doubt"-person in me was just so feeling it that I didn't notice the dangers it brought me. Then I suddenly realized that everything around me was telling me not to. The messages, the time, the weather and even the taxis were not cooperating. That was the last straw. Not anymore, this is sure. 

To those who learned to never stop doubting me, I am thankful of the times we have spent together. I know that they were memorable to all of us. I never imagined it to end like this but trust me, I enjoyed it.  Of course, there are disagreements, indifferences and I have learned to respect it. I guess we don't see how the sun looks like as we used to anymore. Indeed, things change and for me, it really had. I have changed - for the better. 

To everyone who has loved me for who I am, I feel the same love for all of you. You never changed me to be the person you demand me to be but instead, you have embraced my personality and have loved me for  whatever and whoever you see me as. You are my family and I will always be loving you no matter what. 

Now, its time for me to start anew. A new beginning for everything. 

This is not another book but is just another chapter. 


God bless us all! :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Donitoh's Kitchen - Italian Time : Eggplant Parmesiana


Another dish I love to cook is this Vegetable Italian dish. It is optional to put any kind of meat but for this one, I made it without any meat just in time for the Lenten Season. It will take some time to make this because there are three parts to it. But like what I always say, time will fly so fast when you are enjoying it.

I got this recipe online and although the name states Parmesan cheese, I am using regular cheddar cheese since it is cheaper and available in the grocery. Also, you have the option to create your own sauce as to what type you like. It can be Marinara sauce or any sauce that will suite your taste.



Eggplants (Large)


Onions and Garlic

Cooling Oil

Spaghetti Sauce 

Cheese (any kind will do)

Salt and Pepper


For the Eggplants:

1.       Slice the Eggplants into sheets. They should look like Lasagna noodles: wide enough but not too thin or else they will sag like paper.

Make sure they are not that thin so that they will not sag after frying.

2.       Mix in a bowl eggs, flour, oregano. Dash in salt and pepper to preference. This will be the batter for the eggplants before they are fried lie patties.
3.       In a medium sized fraying pan, pour in a good amount of oil and heat it up. Once warm enough, place in a good number of eggplant slices and bring to a golden brown. Set aside.

For the Sauce:

4.       Mince garlic and onions.
5.       Sauté in a sauce pan with enough Oil until cooked.
6.       Mix in spaghetti sauce and let it simmer.

For the final part:

1.       Place in a baking pan a couple of eggplant pieces at the base.

2.       Layer in the sauce on top then grated cheese on top.

3.       Repeat the layering until it fills the pan.

4.       Cover top later with grated cheese and oregano.
5.       Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cheese has completely melted.


After it cooked, I took it out and since I was hungry, all it looked like in my plate was like SP*%#$@! 

I would suggest that you serve this with Garlic Toast and some good chilled wine for the perfect dinning experience.

If you have questions, comment and suggestions, don't hesitate to comment below.

Follow me through my social network accounts!

Twitter:       @akosidonitoh

Salamat! :) 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Donitoh's Kitchen - Lent Recipe : Baked Fish with Garlic, Rosemary and Lemon

It is the season of LENT!

For us Christians, this is the season where we repent from sin and reflect on the lives we have lived. We also need to fast and abstain from any earthly joys and, if possible do charity work or pay it forward.

As a Filipino working abroad, it’s not easy because the culture is different as is the way of life. Food wise it is a bit lighter because we have access to almost anything specially pork, beef or poultry products (since we are asked to fast in a certain day of the week).

With this, I will be sharing with you my recipe for simple Lent dish.
It’s called Baked Fish with Garlic, Rosemary and Lemon.

This is how it looks like before popping then in the oven. 


Fish of choice (I prefer the ones that are cut into stakes because its easier to handle and cook)

Garlic – sliced into circles or strips


Rosemary (I used dried Rosemary but you can also use the fresh ones – I think its better)

Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper


Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius for about 5-10 minutes.

Fish dries up easily to make sure that the temperature is just right for fish to be cooked.

1.       After cleaning the fish, place them in a pan neatly. Season it with Salt and Pepper according to preference in flavor. Add a little amount of Olive Oil and grease each side.

2.       Dash in the dried Rosemary on both sides. Make sure that each side is fairly distributed with Rosemary.

3.       Squeeze in fresh Lemon juice and let is marinade for a 10-15 minutes.

4.       Place on top of each fish slice garlic pieces evenly.

5.       Pop the fish in the oven and bake them for 15-20 minutes.

6.       Serve with rice or Mashed Potatoes.

Make sure to check the baking process as fish may vary in cooking time and it would depend on the thickness of the slices.

You can also dip the fish with a choice of sauce. I prefer soy sauce, vinegar with onions and herbs.

Hope you find my recipe delicious and helpful. If you have suggestions and comment about this recipe, please don’t hesitate to comment below or send me a tweet.

Twitter: @akosidonitoh


Sunday, March 2, 2014

SUMMER NA! Handa ka na ba? - Dubai Summer 2014

I really hate to admit it but the cold season has ended.

AYAN NA! Tag-init na talaga! :p

Yung pinaka-favorite kong season sa Middle East ay nag-exit na at may ibang season na kumekembot na papasok sa Dubai. So mga kabayan, you know the drill: itago na ang mga jackets, coats, fur boots at kung anu pang panang-galang sa lamig kasi panikip lang yan sa sampayan. 

At kung bet mo pa rin gamitin ang mga yan, PUSH MO LANG YAN! Di ko babasagin ang trip mo. Sana lang di ka mangamoy chenelyn at baka masabi naming “YOU are one of THEM!”. CHOZ!

So ayun, tag-init na talaga at wala nang makakapigil pa nito sa pagpasok sa Dubai. Buti nalang at aircon ang mga kabahayan natin pati ang mga waiting shed sa labas. Pero dapat din nating ihanda ang ating mga sarili sa mainit na panahong ito. With this, ginawa ko itong blog na ito para mag-share ng mga tips tungkol sa pag-prepare for the SUMMER!

BOTTOMS UP! Try mo kaya mag-selfie tapus ganitong shot! Bonnga dibah?

Since the temperature will be peaking at most 50 degrees Celsius, we need to be well hydrated and replenish the lost fluids ng ating katawan. Ang tubig ay buhay at kung di ka iinom ng saktong tubig, nako… GOOD LUCK NALANG! 

Of course maraming soda at juices na available sa market pero I would highly suggest for us to rehydrate with WATER. Iba naman kasi ang contents ng juices at soda . Di ka nga dehydrated pero baka winner naman yung blood sugar levels mo. Aside sa healthy ang water, di mo na kailangang iprepare. Room temperature, chilled, on the rocks or frozen; ganun kadaling inumin ang water.

AYAN! Pwede ding ganitong shot sa pangalawang SELFIE for Summer 2014!


Maraming ayaw maglagay ng lotion kasi daw madulas or parang malagkit ang feeling. Pero di nila alam na mas maganda itong gawin lalo na if tayo ay nakatira sa mga lugar na extremes ang temperature. It will be more beneficial if ang gagamitin nating lotion ay may maganda or mataas na SPF or Sun Protection Factor. It will protect our skin from the damaging Ultra Violet rays na galling sa Haring Araw. 

But keep in mind that these lotions don’t keep your skin from turning tan or darkening. Since summer naman talaga and if laging may exposure sa araw, normal na iitim talaga ang ating balat. I also think that Summer is not the best time to be thinking of making oneself fair. Malaki ang role ng melanin sa panahong ito and I guess you will see how it will benefit you in the future.

Magsout ng na-aayon! Huwag maging hubadero o hebadera!

Yes, maraming fahionista sa Dubai. Pero sana naman huwag nating ipilit ang di naman bagay; lalo na yung di naman talaga pwede. Dubai is still a Muslim country and the season is not an excuse for people to wear skimpy and inappropriate clothing. Of course, di ko naman sinabi na dapat laging naka-jeans at long sleeves. Since Dubai is considered to be one of the mixing bowls of international fashion brands, one can go around and find appropriate clothing na bagay sa mainit na panahon at di nakakabastos sa Muslim culture.

Also, I want to emphasize na kung gaanu pa ka-presko ang damit mo, kung di ka naligo ay talagang magiging mainit ang boung araw mo. Nako naman sa ayaw maligo ah! Tumbling ako sa mga taong ganyan. Ok-Fine, mainit ang tubig. Pero pwede itong hanapan ng paraan. Gumawa ka ng sariling yelo gamit ang mga plastic bottles o di kaya mag-store ka na ng tubig sa gabi. Pinoy po tayo so marunong kang mag-isip at alam mo kung anu ang dapat gawin. Importante na malinis tayo sa katawan lalo na sa Summer.

Magplano ka at huwag yung agad-agad. Baka ma-highblood ka sa labas!


Sobrang init talaga sa Dubai kapag Summer. Sa sobrang init, di ka makakakita ng mga taong naglalakad sa labas lalo na kung tirik na tirik yung araw. With this, I would suggest that you plan your trips and have them scheduled in the proper time. The best way to avoid being under the sun is to steer clear from it. Of course, di naman natin maiiwasan kasi lahat tayo at naghahanap buhay. Kung ganito, gamitin natin ang internet para malaman ang temperature sa labas ng bahay. May Application din sa mga smart phones ngayun na magsasabi ng temperature sa labas. Also, be considerate sa mga delivery boys ng grocery. Oo trabaho nila ito pero di ibig sabihin di din sila naiinitan. Kung may ipapadeliver, make sure na kumpleto ito at sakto lahat ng ipapabili mo. 

Planning your daily activites sa Summer will help you beat the heat. It would not hurt if you would bring with you an umbrella, a good pair of sunnies or a cap.

MIDDLE EAST po ito! So expected na MAINIT TALAGA.


Tayo po ay nasa Gitnang Silangan at wala sa lugar na may snow at malamig ang hangin. Pinoys have this habit of saying the damn obvious kasi nga mainit; malagkit ang feeling; ang bilis pagpawisan at mabaho ang mga kasabayan sa Public Transport dito sa Dubai. Hmmm… Natural lang po ang lahat ng ito kasi SUMMER NA PO. 

At hindi lang po kayo ang naiinitan; LAHAT PO TAYO. No exemptions with the heat, body odors and discomfort during the Summer here in Dubai. We should have a deeper understanding of this para po malaman natin ang mga tamang gawin at mahanda natin ang ating mga sarili para sa Summer. I can’t emphasize further na ang pagrereklamo, pagtatalak, pagkukumpara at paninira sa ibang tao ay walang magagawa sa init na mararamdaman mo sa mga buwan na ito. It would help po na you would just do your part and SMILE lang! 

Wala nang mas hihigit pa sa matamis at totoong SMILE na galling mismo sa ating mga labi. PAK - BOOM!

Ayan! Yan ang naisip kong tips para mahanda natin an gating mga sarili sa SUMMER 2014 dito sa Dubai. Sana po ito ay makakatulong o di kaya ay makapaghatid sa inyo ng idea kung ano ang mga tamang gawin para makapaghanda sa mainit na panahong ito. If you have something to add, please don’t hesitate to comment below!



Is this the end?

Ive always dreamt to have someone who is proud of me; who understands why i am like this; a person that brings the best in me and accepts ...