Friday, March 30, 2018


Dating has been a world for me that i never conquered. I have been rejected, rejected and rejected to a number that I cannot even remember counting to. Since 2010, I have never been in a relationship nor have dated someone that i could say that it could lead to something - but this doesn't mean that I do not see what happens in one. 

In my world, being in a relationship raises eyebrows. One can be judged and even be questioned for choices that you have to make. It will never be an easy world but I suppose that being in a strong partnership - things will be lighter than the usual. 

Understanding is key - not just to one self but of course - each other. This goes a long way but of course - has a limit. 

Not all things can be freed by understanding. Too much of it causes a stir; creates questions and probably will start a problem. 

In this world (and in this region of the world), being invisible about the relationship is a key element. One has to be stealth-like to carry a relationship being questioned by religion, morality and the norm. 

But - does being invisible to your significant other's world count?


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