Friday, November 15, 2013

We are stronger than this. #PrayForThePhilippines

When I heard that the strongest storm was going to hit the Philippines, I was ambivalent. I know that it would be great of a disaster but at the same time hopeful that it will not crush the Filipino Spirit.

Living away from the country and reading news online, I was devastated and was nervous of the real aftermath of Tropical Typhoon Yolanda (International Name: Haiyan) to the islands that it landed on. From the scale of the typhoon to the strength that it brought, I expected the worst. I am not a pessimist but this time, I was sure that everything will be chaotic.

Saturday after the storm made its destruction, I stopped myself from viewing videos and pictures of its aftermath. It was just too painful and horrible. I only read articles and listened to its description from other people that know about it. I can never imagine myself being in the shoes of those who were victims of this calamity. And to top the anxiety, international news networks added to my fear that this was gonna be one BIG SCOOP. 

At first I thought that the government was not doing anything; that they were not prepared; that corruption and selfishness centered the hearts of the people that lead the country. I was mad and in disbelief of the things that were happening. People were living it huts, open tents, sleeping on the streets under the rain and were hungry. Bodies were just everywhere and to add to that, no rescue plan was finalized. I mean, with the information that we have from all the other weather experts around the world, we could have prepared for the worst. I guess too much optimism does not change the fact that shit happens. And this time, (trust me) SHIT was all over the place. 

With the destruction that the cities and provinces suffered, foreign nations unite to help the Filipinos in this battle. Donations, services, relief operations and financial support flooded all over the news just for the country to stand up and live again. For me, this means more than a lifetime to be thankful for. The world lit candles for the Philippines and for the Filipinos. We were one in helping each other. Filipinos from neighboring provinces, cities and all over the world organized groups to ask for goods, financial support and help to the people who were affected of this disaster. 

Then the international media visited to see what was really going on and they did not expect what they saw. Aside form the lack of communication, electricity, potable water, food and proper disaster handling system, they felt that everything was in slow motion. They were looking for the Government. Where were they? Were they doing something about this? Do they even know that this is happening?

Basing on Mr. Cooper's (CNN Reporter) coverage, I think that this was not handled well. The "preparation" that the government made was washed out and everything was just chaotic. People were displaced, children were hungry, sick people were taken for granted, dead bodies were just scattered. It was a place no one would like to stay. Everything was "miserable".

And now for another highlight, people are asking: Who is to blame?


This is not the time to point fingers and it will never be right. It is a waste of time and a waste of energy. Let us now focus on what we can do to help the victims stand up and live again. Let us study what we should be doing in the future and learn from all of this. Let us also put into mind that we should be bringing up the morale of the Filipinos all over the world by supporting and thanking those who were making a move for HELP. Let us not spread and talk about bad stuff because it will never help the situation. Let us use Social Media to look for connections and arrange relief services and help. This should be our focus. This should be the root of the things that we will be doing after the storm. This should be our inspiration. 

To the government and to the president of the Philippines:

I understand that this situation was unexpected and everyone was caught off guard. I also acknowledge the fact that you have done your part in alarming the citizenry of the damage this disaster could bring. Now that this has happen, I would like to ask for you to double your time and do everything to assist all victims. There is no time to blame people and there is no time to review the HIERARCHY of the government. They are all victims now and are looking for help. They are hungry, sick and loosing hope. 

I would also like you to consider being transparent of all the donations being given. I am positive that this will reach all the victims in time and you will be able to correct what needs to be corrected. I am asking that all government agencies to be on RED ALERT to assist anyone who wants to help, who wants to give help and who wants to be part of the services that would assist the victims. People are giving their time to help and I pray that everyone in the government would consider this wanting. 

I am also sorry for the weight that the "bashers' put on your shoulder. They are stressed and do not know what is happening. I know that they are smart and opinionated people and I believe that we should hear what they have to say. But for the mean time, I pray that you focus on the good stuff and not feel all the pressure of negative statements. I apologize for all the people who have belittled you and went overboard just to criticize everything that is happening. 

I know that you can do better and with the help of everyone around the world, I know you can do it.

To the negative audience all around the world: 

You are given your right to say your opinion about all that is happening but until you move and act for someone, it can never make a difference. Actions speak louder than words and trust me that bad actions would never make a difference. I understand that there are lapses and delays, but we cannot blame people now. Everyone was caught off guard. No one can be sane in a time where everything is ruined. No one can think straight right after being hit in the head by a fast flying ball. They are just human, and so are you. Now focus on what we can do. Spread suggestions on what to do to prevent this in the future . Use the energy for research and studies that help people. Refocus and start pushing the ball to roll towards the right direction. 

This is the time to use our intelligence wisely. This is the time to spread the right words, statements and pictures all over the social network. Let us be a beam of sunlight to the victims who lost loved ones and things that they worked hard for. Let us become an inspiration to one another and bring up the spirits of everyone affected by this disaster. 

Let us be a blessing to others. 

To the people doing their best to HELP:

No words can describe the act you are doing. You have dedicated your time, expertise, money and focus for those in need.  A never ending THANK YOU will be forever in our hearts. You are heroes and you deserve a place in heaven. You went out of your way from being normal citizens to becoming someone else's beacon of hope. 

Thank you very much for all the effort you have put in packing relief materials; for asking financial support from others; for being the ears, hands, arms and eyes of those who are injured; for being the protectors of those being treated unfairly; and for being the one who was there when the victims needed someone to live again. 

Thank you and I know that everyone else who were touched by your act will surely pay it forward. 

To the victims of this disaster:

You are not alone in this situation. You are blessed to have this life after that horrible experience. You should not blame yourself for the lives that were lost. It is hard to stand up again but there is no way but up. Life goes on and many are behind you to start anew. This is not the end of your dreams and aspirations. In fact, this is a new beginning for everyone. As cliche' as it sounds, there is always a rainbow after each storm.  It does not end here. 

Help is coming from all over the world and you need not to loose hope. WE are behind you all the way and there is no need to stop life here. We will never abandon those who need help and I am sure you will do the same to those who are with you in this situation. Never forget to look up and say "thank you" for each and every blessing that you receive. Also, ask for guidance, patience and protection from the ALMIGHTY. We are not alone; HE IS WITH US.



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