Sunday, July 28, 2013

Taking care of LIONS (Taurus-Leo Friendship)

Growing up, we had different pets. We had a dog, a cat, some fishes, a bird and a few worms (Superworms that eat a lot!). Most of these animals were taken care of my sister or my dad. I guess i wasn't made up to take care of animals in a sense that is like family. But don't get me wrong, I love animals! I like going on trips to the ZOO and watching Animal Planet. I think all animals are interesting and play a vital part of our lives. 

Going back to me as a pet owner, the fishes were the ones that I took care of. I feed them, clean the tank, change the water and basically, look at them as they swim and swim. My mom played a good part of financial support during this time. I mentioned that we owned a cat. Well, we had cats in some certain years of our youth but I'm not really a cat-person. My sister was the cat-person in the family and she took care of it like babies. 

Cats are graceful creatures. Although they are moody, they bring joy to some. 

Lions are members of the cat family. Known as the "Kings of the Jungle", lions are considered one of the scariest preys and part of Africa's BIG 5. They are so magnificent that Disney made a movie about them titled "The Lion King" back in the 90's. As a kid, I loved that movie. I guess until now, I still have the liking of watching the movie. 

Lions are good leaders, hunters and providers. They also are territorial and are experts in hunting. 

I have seen a good number of videos that feature these magnificent creatures but I still need to learn more about them. 

We humans also have our Lion-like characters. I know some people who are like lions in their ways. Some even feed like lions! But kidding aside, it's not easy taking care of these lion people. I think that taking care of a lion is a hard job; taking care of 2 is a total risk. 

I was born under the star sign Taurus which makes me have a Bull-like character. Sensitive, short tempered and really (i mean REALLY!) stubborn. I think all these would best describe me as a person specially now that I have matured at my age of 25. 

It is weird because it has come to my attention that most people that are close to me are born under the star sign Leo. And I looked this up in the internet and found this:

Friendship Compatibility For Leo And Taurus

Leo Man

Taurus Woman

A friendship between a Taurus and a Leo is one of mutual respect and a mutual liking of each other’s company. They recognize each other’s wants and desires very well. Taurus adore being treated with love and care, and Leo adore being looked up to and admired. They are both fiercely faithful and often possessive of each other. Their desires coincide with one another so well that either partner could give the other what he or she wants.

Taurus and Leo love lavishness and comfort, often on an extravagant measure. They both enjoy wealth and social status. Leo tend to be flashy and impressive, the very embodiment of lofty standing and opulence; and Taurus admire Leo all the more for that. Both star signs possess a resolute character. They need to understand and accept each other.
Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, and Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun represents ego or self, and it radiates heat and light. Consequently, Leo emit this kind of power and liveliness. Venus is about beauty, love, and opulence. The impressive blend of masculine and feminine energy is the reason for Leo and Taurus admiring and adoring each other so much. Venus never moves farther than 48 degrees from the Sun; the two celestial bodies, one depicting life and the other depicting love, are never too far from each other. As long as Taurus and Leo realize each other’s feelings and desires, they always produce a constructive combination.

Taurus is an earth sign, and Leo is a fire sign. Both signs are ambitious, but in their own ways. The lion goes for wealth and eminence, while the bull strives for stability and protection. Both signs seek to be the leader, and disagree a lot over this matter. Convincing each other of the importance of their friendship is the best way to solve the problems.

Taurus and Leo are fixed signs. Both Taurus and Leo are unrelenting in their judgments and move forward tirelessly towards their goals. Any schemes that they have formed would be carried out to the end. Neither sign loves change, and both prefer a constant even environment around them. When they find that their friendship is genuine, they dedicate themselves to its preservation. However, their diverse characters might cause them to argue constantly. Taurus never give in as they don’t like anyone dictating them, and Leo might construe this as obstinacy. Although Taurus are equally determined as Leo, they might give in to avoid a full fledged conflict when it seems imminent.

The best aspect of a relationship between a Taurus and a Leo is the respect and regard they have for each other. Both star signs have an intense strength of character, and neither one could dominate the other, even though it wouldn’t be for want of trying. These are two very compatible signs, and their dedication to fulfil their plans makes them a great team.

My friendship with these people is amazing. I get to do things that I don't normally do and these moments are milestones to me. But at some point, it's hard to take care of a lion let alone 2. It take s a great toll on my emotions but I'm still holding on. 

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