Friday, April 19, 2013

#REPOST - Alone

Just today, a friend talked to me about the pains and hurts of being in a relationship - or the same sort. Like the same story, things did not end or go the way people would expect it to be. I scanned my posts and saw this post i made years before. Now, I decided to re-post it and share the same story that i made years back. 

In this life, we all have moments where we all become a different person from all the inspiration we get in being in a relationship. But then again, not all stories end up with a smile. It could be that a smile can be shown but only the the heart can tell what that smile would really mean. 


“So, this is it then? I mean, there’s no turning back at this right? ”, he asked.

“Yes”, I answered.

“Well, it’s gonna be hard for the both of us but I will try my best to absorb it. Will you be all right?”

I nodded.

“I hope so.”

These were the words that ended our relationship. It wasn’t just me or him. It was decided by both. It was a decision that made me realize one thing: we were not anymore happy with each other. It was a relationship built on mutual decisions and I couldn’t believe that it ended the same way.

All relationships have bad times but I never thought that we would end it as painfully as this. No tears but just words during the break-up. I have seen sad endings in movies but I never imagined mine to be this tragic. Nobody died but it seemed to me that the end was like death to the both of us. It was the end. We were not together anymore.

I told him that I will be alright after the break-up. I tried my best but everything I thought about was what we had before. All the smiles, hugs, feeling of happiness and the kisses that sealed them all; they killed me like how each knife would pierce an apple. It was the pain that I never imagined to suffer at the end of all things. I cried but I never felt better with each tear that fell from my eyes. The sadness absorbed me as a whole and I was in mourning with what I lost: a relationship that I thought would last forever in the arms of each other.

As I wake up each morning, I would check my mobile phone. I would never say it but I would always hope that he would send me a message to check if I’m ok; if I was doing fine after what had happen. I would remember the days that my inbox would be filled by messages from him and how I would save them to make me smile as I read along the messages late at night.

I would anticipate each call would be from him to talk to me and convince me to reconsider the decision that I made about the break-up. How I reacted with each ring my mobile phone gives as the call goes on. The song that made me excited as the call progresses and how I would answer each call with a smile: a sweet smile that was real and true. It was from love and I couldn’t believe that all of these were gone with just one nod I made.

Nothing – this is what I see every morning as I check my mobile phone. It made me cry but not as painful as before. Each morning made me realize that the days of sweet smiles were gone. I was alone and the relationship was over. It was a decision made by the both of us.

I continue to live my life was what my friends would tell me. I partied, drank and went out. But as the noise and the crowd disappeared, the sadness consumes me secretly. I want to cry but I just can’t. My tears ran dry and I couldn’t cry anymore. It was something that I knew would just hurt me more. The pain I get from one nod was something I dreaded from the day I made the decision. It really was painful.

School was the same for me and I never heard from him again. Then I just got word that he was dating someone already. I didn’t give a reaction because it has been months that I haven’t heard news about him. I never imagined that the pain drilled into me secretly and I was collapsing from the inside. I wanted to scream but I never could. Each smile that I would imagine from him before was for another girl now. How the pain doubled, tripled even after what I have heard and imagined. I was in pain and nobody knew.

I pretended to be cool; to be ok; to act as if I have moved on from the relationship I was in before. Like what I said, I pretended. It was a huge stage play for me to pretend that everything was ok for me. That I smiled the sweet smile I gave before and laughed as if I was never hurt from everything that happened. I pretended until I realized that I was only fooling myself. I cried again in silence but I never felt better.

I wished that I could turn back time or he would bump his head and come look for me to be with him again. It was all I hoped for but didn’t come.

Now this is what I would say to myself,

“Never mind, I’ll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you too! Don’t forget me, this I would beg. But I’ll remember what you said that sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.”

Is this the end?

Ive always dreamt to have someone who is proud of me; who understands why i am like this; a person that brings the best in me and accepts ...